
晁栋梁 | 教授 | 博导 | 高被引科学家 | 首席科学家

国家海外高层次引进人才 | 上海市千人计划专家

副主编 | Materials Today Energy (9.3' 中科院二区)

执行主任 | 复旦大学水系电池研究中心

化学与材料学院 | 先进材料实验室

Dongliang Chao, Donny, Dr., Prof., HiCi

School of Chemistry and Materials | Fudan University

Executive Director | Center for Aqueous Battery

Associate Editor | Materials Today Energy

Principal Scientist | ZhuoYue Ltd

→ 晁栋梁教授,复旦大学化学与材料学院先进材料实验室青年研究员,国家海外高层次引进人才(国家四青)、上海市千人计划专家,担任复旦大学水系电池研究中心执行主任、Materials Today Energy 副主编(IF = 9.3,中科院二区)、National Science Review 学科编辑等。全国博士后创新创业大赛金奖、中国国际大学生创新大赛银奖指导老师。主要从事水系电化学基础与应用研究,已出版英文专著 部,发表论文 150 余篇,1/3 以上入选 ESI 高被引论文,引用 24000 余次,指数 72。自 2020 年加入复旦大学,以通讯作者身份在水系电池领域发表论文 20 余篇,包括 Natl Sci RevSci AdvSci BullJouleJACSAngewAMPNASEES 等。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题等。曾获得 EES Lectureship、上海市科技青年 35 人引领计划、《麻省理工科技评论》科技创新 35 人、科睿唯安高被引科学家(2020-2023 年)、澳大利亚研究理事会优秀青年、澳大利亚研究新星等奖项。

→ Dr. Chao obtained his PhD from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU, Prof. Ze Xiang SHEN and Prof. Hong Jin FAN), and trained at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA (UCLA, Prof. Bruce DUNN) in 2016 as a joint-researcher. He worked as a Research Fellow and senior researcher, respectively, at NTU and The University of Adelaide, Australia (UoA, Prof. Shi-Zhang QIAO). Dr. Chao joined Fudan University in 2020, at the Laboratory of Advanced Materials, College of Chemistry and Material Science, working on electrochemical fundamentals and material applications for next-generation safe, low-cost, and scalable energy storage.

→ Prof. Chao is now serving as Executive Director of the Centre for Aqueous Battery, Fudan University. He is the Associate Editor of a flagship journal, Materials Today Energy (IF 9.3, Tier 2 CAS), Academic Editor for Exploration, Editorial Group Member of National Science Review, Editorial Board member for Next EnergyBatteries, and eScienceetc. He has published 1 authored book and >150 journal articles; 1/3 of them are ESI H.C. papers, with an H-index of 72 and citations over 24,000. After composing the team of Energetic Aqueous Batteries (eAB) at Fudan University, he has published >20 high-quality works in the past 3 years in chemistry and materials science, such as Natl. Sci. Rev.Sci. Adv.Joule, JACS, AM, Angew, PNAS, EES, etc. His awards include EES Lectureship Award, Innovators Under 35 (MIT Technology Review), Shanghai S&T 35, DECRA Fellow Award (Australian Research Council), Rising Stars Australia (The Australia), Global Highly Cited Researcher (2020–2023, Clarivate Analytics), and the High-Level Talent Programs of China and Shanghai, etc

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